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It’s lazy; it creates an age gap and we still end up with extremes. Young and sexy or old and fetishised – take your pick. “When it comes to advertising to older people, age myopia really kicks in,” says Kevin Lavery, a marketing and advertising specialist for the 50+ cohort and vice-chairman of the Mature Marketing Association (MMA). “Either that or the creative director reaches straight for the blue-rinsed grannies from central casting.” We’ve moved on from invisibility to stereotype, and this lack of diversity makes age feel like just another fashion fad. “It does feel tokenistic,” confirms Rebecca Valentine, the founder of Grey Model Agency. “When my fiftysomething models go for castings, we often get reports back that they look too young.” We’re missing out on mid-lifers, which is a shame given that Valentine’s roster includes attention-grabbing women such as: Sara Stockbridge, 51, the former Vivienne Westwood model and i-D magazine cover star; Amanda Cazalet, 52, who famously kissed Madonna in the Justify My Love video and was Jean Paul Gaultier’s muse in the 1980s; and grey-haired, 51-year-old Beverly Clark, who is regularly told that she looks too young to represent her own age group. 73-year-old Benedetta Barzini at Simone Rocha’s autumn/winter 2017 London Fashion Week show. Photograph: Niklas Halle'N/AFP/Getty Images “Part of the problem is that people who create the ads don’t look like the people who buy the products,” adds Lavery. “The average age of an ad agency account executive or creative is 28. It’s the same in marketing departments and, believe me, a 28-year-old can’t think like a 50-year-old. Unconscious age bias is a proved academic fact.
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