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A Guide To Systems Of

This is not a tree for small urban lots and small homes as its stature overwhelms them. Cultivars that are often seen in city landscapes, called littleleaf linden, are European imports and not found in the wild in our country. They are not as compatible with native insects. Nannyberry, a small, single or multi-stemmed tree or large suckering shrub is a tough, enduring plant that is also easy to grow. It grows in many soil types, in light variations from bright light to shade, in many different moisture levels and pH variations. This underused species has dark green glossy foliage that turns yellow, red or purple in fall. It produces clusters of white flowers in spring that turn in drooping clusters of black berries on red stalks. Early bloom for insects and fruit for birds in the fall are attractive features but these plants can also form dense groupings to act as a barrier species as well as a sheltering space for wild creatures. Another shrub, the lovely red osier dogwood, is a fast growing species with a broad rounded shape.
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