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Giant Food Stores stops advertising with abc27 after complaints This comes after former abc27 anchor Flora Posteraro filed a complaint. Giant Food Stores stops advertising with abc27 after complaints This comes after former abc27 anchor Flora Posteraro filed a complaint. Check out this story on A link has been sent to your friend's email address. A link has been posted to your Facebook feed. Giant Food Stores stops advertising with abc27 after complaints Candy Woodall , York Daily Record Published 2:05 p.m. ET July 2, 2018 | Updated 2:24 p.m. ET July 2, 2018 The Giant Food Store off of Linglestown Road in Harrisburg. Giant Food Stores is pulling its advertising from abc27 amid a discrimination complaint against the station's general manager, according to Central Penn Business Journal. This update comes after former abc27 anchor Flora Posteraro filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Rights Commission alleging discrimination by the station and its general manager, CPBJ reported. "Following recent allegations against ABC 27’s general manager, GIANT Food Stores has decided to temporarily suspend our advertising with the station until the matter is appropriately resolved. We are fully committed to supporting fair and safe workplace environments." Capital BlueCross also pulled its ads with abc27 in late March.
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