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Baywatch Babes! Celebs Who Love To Rock The Iconic Swimsuit! 5/25/2017 2:56 PM ET | Filed under: Film Flickers • Fashion Smashion • Pamela Anderson • Kate Upton • Bikini • Body • GIFs With the revival now hitting theaters, it seemed only right to honor one of the most iconic parts of the beloved TV show… Pamela Anderson ! You'll never believe how many celebs have recreated the sex symbol's low-cut one-piece to wear by the pool or just for a day of soaking up some rays! We see you, Kate Upton (above)! CLICK HERE to view "Baywatch Babes! Celebs Who Love To Rock The Iconic Swimwear!" CLICK HERE to view "Baywatch Babes! Celebs Who Love To Rock The Iconic Swimwear!" CLICK HERE to view "Baywatch Babes! Celebs Who Love To Rock The Iconic Swimwear!" CLICK HERE to view "Baywatch Babes! Celebs Who Love To Rock The Iconic Swimwear!" CLICK HERE to view "Baywatch Babes!
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